Am I Entitled to Holiday Pay on a Temporary Contract

Are you working on a temporary contract and wondering if you are entitled to holiday pay? The answer is yes, you are entitled to holiday pay even on a temporary contract.

Holiday pay is a legal requirement for all workers, including those on temporary contracts. The amount of holiday pay you receive depends on how long you have worked with the employer and how much you earn.

Under UK law, all employees are entitled to 5.6 weeks of paid holiday per year. For those working on a temporary contract, this entitlement is pro-rata to the length of the contract. For example, if you are working on a six-month temporary contract, you would be entitled to 2.8 weeks of paid holiday (5.6 weeks divided by 12 months multiplied by 6 months).

The amount of holiday pay you receive is calculated based on your earnings. It should include your regular pay, as well as any commission, bonuses, or overtime you have earned. This means that even if you are on a temporary contract, you should receive the same holiday pay as a permanent employee doing the same job.

It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that all workers receive their entitlement to holiday pay. If you are not receiving holiday pay, you should speak to your employer or raise a formal complaint. If your employer refuses to pay you holiday pay, you may be able to take legal action to recover the money owed to you.

In conclusion, if you are working on a temporary contract, you are entitled to holiday pay. This is a legal requirement and should be included in your pay as a pro-rata amount based on the length of your contract. If you are not receiving holiday pay, you should speak to your employer and seek legal advice if necessary.


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