Subject-Verb Agreement Lesson Plan Elementary

Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of grammar that students must learn in elementary school. As a copy editor who is also experienced in SEO, I understand the significance of creating a well-structured and optimized article that covers this topic thoroughly. In this article, we will discuss a subject-verb agreement lesson plan for elementary students that will help make this language rule easy to understand and apply in their writing.

Lesson Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

– Define subject-verb agreement

– Identify verbs and subjects in sentences

– Apply the correct verb form to match the subject in sentences

– Write sentences with proper subject-verb agreement.

Materials Needed:

– Whiteboard and markers

– Worksheets with sentences for practice

– Examples of sentences with subject-verb agreement errors

Lesson Procedure:

Step 1: Introducing Subject-Verb Agreement

Begin the lesson by introducing the concept of subject-verb agreement. Use examples of simple sentences and explain that the verb (the action word) must match the subject (the person or thing doing the action) in a sentence. For instance, in the sentence “She runs in the park,” the subject is “she,” and the verb is “runs.” Explain how it would be incorrect to say “She run in the park,” as the verb does not match the subject.

Step 2: Identifying Verbs and Subjects

Provide examples of sentences to the students and have them identify the subject and verb in each sentence. Ensure they understand the difference between the two and can identify them correctly. Use different sentence structures to make it easier for the students to grasp the concept.

Step 3: Matching Verbs with Subjects

Once the students can identify verbs and subjects in sentences, it`s time to teach them how to match the two. Provide sentences with incorrect subject-verb agreement and ask the students to identify the mistake. Then, explain the rule for proper subject-verb agreement, such as using plural verbs for plural subjects and singular verbs for singular subjects.

Step 4: Practice

After introducing and explaining the concept of subject-verb agreement, it`s essential to give the students ample practice exercises. Provide worksheets with sentences that require the students to identify the subject and verb and apply the correct verb form to match the subject.

Step 5: Writing Sentences

As a final step, ask the students to write sentences that demonstrate proper subject-verb agreement. This exercise will help them apply what they have learned and ensure that they have a clear understanding of the lesson.


Teaching subject-verb agreement to elementary school students may seem challenging, but it is vital for their writing and communication skills. By following the above lesson plan, you can make the lesson engaging and easy to understand for the students. Ensure that you provide ample practice exercises and examples to help the students grasp the concept. With consistent practice and guidance, students will master the skill of subject-verb agreement and become better writers.


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